Judging Certification Process
Why get certified?
Professional atmosphere at all Championships
Fair and uniform competition
It’s fun and you get a chance to meet and work with a variety of people.
Duty as black belt
Service to your students, studio, region and association
Certification as International judge needed for Sah Dan testing
Qualities needed for Center/International judge same as qualities needed to be a Master
Scorekeeper certification is available to Cho Dan Bo at least 14 years old and 5th gup students at least 16 years old in good stand with the WTSDA.
Judges certification is open to any Dan member at least 16 years old and who is in good standing with WTSDA. Cho Dan Bo members 16 and above may also be certified, however, they will not be permitted to judge until they become Dan members. Scorekeeper and timekeeper certification is open to youth Dan members as well as adult Gup members.
Certification is valid for five (5) years. Once the certification has expired, a judge will need to go through the process again. If the judge is recertifying as a Center or International judge, a completed log sheet documenting experience is required. If the judge cannot verify that he/she has the requisite required experience as a Center judge and met all other requirements, the process starts again as a Corner. Sah Dan and above are not required to keep a log sheet. For addition information, please check the Frequently Asked Question page.
Scorekeeper & Timekeeper
The first level of certification is the scorekeeper/timekeeper level. This certification will be open to Cho Dan Bo at least 14 years old and 5th gup students at least 16 years old in good standing with the WTSDA.
Scorekeeper and timekeeper training material for Hyung and Dae Ryun.
Corner Judge
The second level of certification is the corner judge. Every judge starts as a certified corner judge. Requirements include:
Being a Dan member at least 16 years old in good standing with WTSDA
Pass written test
Pass corner practical test
Judges' training materials for Hyung and Dae Ryun competition.
Regional Center Judge
The next level is the Regional Center. Regional Center requires:
Being a Dan member in good standing with WTSDA
Having been a Certified Corner with documented experience of at least 2-3 Championships (log sheet required)
Pass written test
Pass center practical test
Judges' training materials for Hyung and Dae Ryun competition.
International Judge
The highest level is International. International judge (E Dan and higher) requires:
Being a Dan member in good standing with WTSDA
Having been a Certified Regional Center with documented experience as Regional Center (log sheet required)
Judge at World Championship
Pass written test
Pass center practical test
Judges' training material for Hyung and Dae Ryun competition.